Thursday, 25 August 2011
Tadpoles from Bedfordshire used for Norfolk toad colony

Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Job Opportunity with ARC based in Surrey
Friday, 5 August 2011
London Wildlife Trust's Green Picnic
After the success of the CLARE launch event last Sunday (and thanks to those who came along) we will be bringing with us some more of London's snakes and lizards along with a large common toad and hopefully the UK's rarest snake: the smooth snake (not native to London and so a rare chance to see this lovely animal). We'll be taking down your amphibian and reptile sightings from around London once again so please come to the stand (inside the information tent in the middle of the park event).
There's loads of great things going on on the day including LWT's face painting, Animal Olympics, guided walks and bush craft - so don't miss out.
Details on the Green Picnic event and how to get there can be found on the LWT's events page: www.wildlondon.org.uk
Sophie Hinton
CLARE Project Officer