The handbook is a resource for a range of users including conservation professionals and interested volunteers. It was part-funded by KRAG, Northumbrian Water and Wesex Water and produced in conjunction with the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Widespread Species Project, funded by The Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.
The handbook covers six of the seven amphibians native to Great Britain. Five of those covered are widespread; great crested newt, smooth newt, palmate newt, common toad and common frog. Of these, the great crested newt and common toad are Biodiversity Action Plan priorities. Out of the two rare native amphibians; the natterjack toad and the northern pool frog; the natterjack is a conservation priority and a habitat specialist with very different ecological requirements to the other native amphibians. Hence a section of the handbook is dedicated to this species. The pool frog is currently subject to a reintroduction project and is not covered by the current handbook. The handbook also discusses a range of topics including Pond Creation, Pond Restoration, Disease and Mortality and Reintroduction.
Contact our office for a free hard-copy (£3 p&p) or download a copy from the ARC webiste now.
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