Due to the success of Venom Day 2010 the British Herpetological Society and the Bangor University Herpetological Society will be hosting Venom Day 2012 at Bangor University on the 10th March this year.
The final schedule is:
09:45am - Registration and refreshments
10:30am - David Warrell - Envenoming worldwide: What’s new?
11:30am - Axel Barlow - Phylogenetics of advanced snakes: relevance for studies of venom evolution.
12:00pm - Nick Casewell - An introduction to venoms and antivenoms.
12:50pm - Lunch Break
02:05pm - Beckie Nicholas - Using multiple loci to infer species limits of southern African dwarf adders.
02:25pm - Steve Trim - Providing solutions for venom research.
03:15pm - Wolfgang Wüster - Easy come, easy go: the origin and evolutionary dynamics of venom in reptiles.
04:05pm - Refreshments
04:20pm - Rachel Currier - Unusual presence of messenger RNA in snake venom reveals expression dynamics of venom replenishment following depletion.
04:50pm - Kev Palmer - Habitat management as a tool to support and enhance adder populations.
05:20pm - Michel Dugon - The evolutionary origin of the centipede venom apparatus: A hypothesis.
05.50pm - Freek Vonk - Massive evolutionary expansion of venom genes in the King cobra genome.
06.20pm - Finish
Location is room A12, Brambell building, Deiniol Road, Bangor, LL57 2UW, UK. Although a full lunch will not be provided, light snacks will be available.
Everyone is welcome and the price is £5 for members of both the Bangor University Herpetological Society and the British Herpetological Society and £10 for non-members.
Booking is essential by 3rd March however the fee is payable on the door and a valid membership card must be displayed for the reduced rate. To book and for information regarding a limited availability evening meal after the talks please contact bangorherpsoc@googlemail.com.